Friday, 1 January 2016

Costume in film noir research

Seeing as our group is going to produce a traditions noir film I decided to research what is most worn by the typical characters in noir film. All of the images bellow show the everyman/antihero wearing suits. This is shown to be a lighter colour than the suit that the villain wears as the villain usually wears a black suit Both the everyman and villian wear fedoras however it's not a necessity as some of the characters pictured below aren't wearing any hats at all. A majority of femme fatal's in the photos below are wearing revealing dresses and bright lipstick. Later I will be adding the costumes for our characters to this post.

This is how we decided to dress our everyman because we wanted to dress our everyman in a suit and fedora because our OTS is for a traditional noir film and this is very typical for noir film.


  1. you need far more evidence of personal creation - please add shots of your own costume plans and development
    you need much more evidence Max to get the marks above an E for research and planning

  2. where is all the evidence of costume in your own film - add the evidence and comment on it
