Friday, 13 November 2015

Noir Film - Continuity Task

For our continuity task we were all assigned different roles. Fabian was the cameraman as he had plenty of experience with cameras. Me and Greg edited the film because I have a decent amount of experience with editing and Greg had a copy of sony vegas pro which is quite an advanced software, and we felt it would work well for this project. Greg did also created the music for the film because he has plenty of experience with music. Me Greg and Jack also acted as the main roles in the short film. In this task we decided to focus more on the noir elements father than focusing as much on the fairytale aspects. We decided to film at my house because we felt that our noir story would fit better if it wasn't outside, it's difficult to film at school and also I live close to the school. Below is the storyboard.

1 comment:

  1. the key element to reference here is ALL the required elements of the continuity task - so look at/explain how you planned for and will create each compulsory element
    match on action
    180 degree rule
    shot/reverse shot - how well have you planned for this
