Wednesday, 7 October 2015

The Avengers : Analysing one frame

In the image are three superheroes, who are all in costume in a destroyed forest. The superheroes on the right are positioned together and away from the one on the left. This makes us feel that the hero on the left isn't familiar or friendly with the ones on the right, but the ones on the right are familliar and friendly with each other.

The camera is positioned as to the side of the characters so that we can see the distance between the characters. The moody lighting and dark colours suggest that the characters are not on good terms, along with the setting of a ruined forest. The moody lighting also tells us that it's night time.

 Attention is drawn to the characters because of the bright colours they are wearing, when the background is dark. The furthest right character (captain america,) is the focus of the shot because he is wearing the most colourful clothing and is standing in a position which looks like he doesn't want to fight, whereas the others are standing in possitions as if they were ready to fight., 

1 comment:

  1. a good start but i gave you a huge list of questions - check the list and consider what else you can add
